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If you would like to make an appointment for a face-to-face session or an online session with one of our counselors, please call (205) 752-2504.

Appointment Availability: To check appointment availability or, if you are an existing client and want to request an appointment, click here.

Family Counseling Service


Blending two families together, even when there is only one child involved, comes with special challenges that can strain any home.  Being inserted into a child’s life as a newcomer often generates uncertainty, fear and resistance from both the child and the step-parent.  These take a great deal of time, patience and grace to work through in a positive way. Step-parents usually enter a situation where expectations and rules for the child have already been established and there is also another home the child is a part of that has its own set of standards that may not be the same.




Finding compromise among multiple family members wtih different backgrounds and experiences is challenging, but is also very doable when everyone shares the same goal.  One of our licensed, experienced counselors can meet with you, individually or as a family, to quickly start leading you on the road to gaining a sense of unity in your blended family.





We have been serving the west Alabama community for decades. Learn more about the counselors who are experienced and ready to listen to you. 





Appointments can be made by calling our office at (205) 752-2504.  Other appointment and scheduling options may be found here.





2020 Paul W. Bryant Drive

Tuscaloosa, AL 35401




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